Demo WebHalt

The app is embedded using the snippet below.

<script src="/blog/content/WebHalt/TemplateData/UnityProgress.js"></script>
<script src="/blog/content/WebHalt/Build/UnityLoader.js"></script>
<script>var gameInstance = UnityLoader.instantiate("gameContainer", "/blog/content/WebHalt/Build/WebHalt.json", {onProgress: UnityProgress});</script>

<div class="webgl-content">
   <div id="gameContainer" style="width: 600px; height: 600px"></div>

WebHalt is a minimalist project to help probe WebGL features and abilities.

The Unity project source can be downloaded here.


Timing and Execution

It has a few meters to view the timing values, along with some timing controls.

There are also some tools to watch the application run through its game loop, the most obvious tool is the orbiting cube in the background.

The “Frame Flipping” feature swaps between two (gibberish) strings every frame. This way, we can be sure the test is rendering instead of coincidentally looking the same or animating really slow.


There’s a text field that has some log output but also displays redirected Debug.Log* outputs. To test the output, along with what the Debug.Log* functions do, there are 3 buttons that log a message, warning, and error.

The log also displays URL parameters, if there are any.


And in the end, there are various controls that allow testing eccentric things and seeing what the WebGL app does. Mostly involving exceptions and coroutines. And there’s a meter that moves a pound (#) in a coroutine so coroutine activity can be metered.