
Various articles on things I find interesting.


Pages that lead to more articles that are grouped as a specific category.

Notes on Unity
A directory of articles talking about Unity.

Notes on Unity WebGL Builds
A directory of articles talking about Unity’s WebGL platform.

Notes on Audio and Music
A directory of articles covering music and digital audio.


Notes on Docking/Splitter AUIs
Notes on user interfaces that have multiple windows that can float or dock into a single layout.

Playing Around With a 2D Wave Algorithm
There’s an old Hugo Elias article that explains how to simulate waves for visual effect. But, we take a closer look at the various physical phenomena the algorithm can simulate.

Calculating an Even Width For a Line Strip
Given a line strip, how to generate an outline of it that has an even width.

Two’s Complement and Weird Bit Widths
An overview of how negative integers are stored on computers. This also covers examples representing negative numbers on integers that are non-standard bit widths.

Intuitions When Generalizing Vectors in 1D
Sometimes when trying to conceptualize math that’s higher than 3 dimensions, we try to generalize 2D and 3D math and translate it to hyper dimensions. What if we instead look at 1D vectors.

Implementing Simple IK Solvers
An introduction to inverse kinematics.

Notes on Ballistic Trajectories
How to predict the trajectory of flying objects, how to render previews of them, and how to calculate launch angles to hit targets.

Notes on Winged Edges and 3D Modelers