Examples Of Brand Specs And Visual Identity Systems

The term design language has a lot of facets to it. One of those facets is the goal of creating visually recognizable branding. When first exposed to the brand, viewers should start to build a simple schema of it without outside guidance – no one should have to explicitly give viewers directions on how to …

RectTransform Variables & Insights

Let’s talk about the behavior of a RectTransform. The RectTransform is an extension of the Unity Transform. It adds some extra variables and functionality on top of the Transform class for 2D GUIs. The Heirarchy The RectTransform, like it’s Transform base class, is a transformation hierarchy. That’s where a node in a tree data structure …

New Article Directory, Unity

While a lot of my focus has been on Unity WebGL stuff, I have been doing some musings on general Unity stuff, so I created a new directory for it here. For now, everything Unity that isn’t WebGL related is going to go in there.

Tips for Implementing an FPS Counter in Unity

Some notes on displaying the frame-per-second performance of an (Unity) app, and on weighted averages. While the underlying concepts can apply outside of the Unity game engine, the examples provided are for Unity. TL;DR For anyone who wants code they can take for a weighted-smoothed FPS counter, copy the last code sample into your project. …