Hi people! Fancy meeting you here!
AI Art Gallery
I’ve been playing around with AI art. More at the Dropbox collection.

Every now and then, I make and remix 3D printing stuff and post it to my Thingiverse profile.

Some Printable Resources
Sometimes, I play around with making templates and stationary with my printer.
Half Binder Pages – Templates patterns for half-letter pages.
If you’re on this page randomly perusing for anything that looks interesting, here are some suggestions:
Font Viewer – A WebGL demo that tests my curves and font-parsing library.
Notes on Docking/Splitter User Interfaces – Some details on implementing a docking interface.
Playing Around With a 2D Wave Algorithm – Probing the behavior of a wave algorithm.
Notes on Audio Granulation – How audio software can change the pitch of an audio sample without changing its speed.
Precision Keyboard – A programmable node-based audio synth and MIDI instrument for Android devices.
Most Recent Posts
- THIS, is a Candle!
- Notes on Ballistic Trajectories
- TechnoOrganic Crustacean Timelapse
- Old 2020 Developer Diary Ramblings
- IK Solver From Scratch In Unity
- Automating Tedious Tome Farming In Lost Ark
- Duct Tales, Updates On My Baggage
- Modifying Windows System Menus in wxWidgets
- Probing Stable Diffusion Resolutions with Favelas
- Layering Dragon Landscapes, Stable Diffusion